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Shopify Netvisor integration

Save time by integrating Shopify and Netvisor together

Inefficiencies are costly for your online store. MyFlashnode automation makes your online store scalable and keeps your data real-time in your business software, while saving your business resources.

Shopify Netvisor integration with Flashnode

Monthly batch entries leave your accounting outdated

"Integrations bring certainty and accuracy, and save time. It's as if we've got more pairs of hands on the job."

How MyFlashnode helps online store owners

Real-time accounting

No more batch entries or errors in data transfers—just constantly up-to-date accounting without manual work

Monitor your finances

Easily track your financial status when all the necessary data is available in one system

Save on costs

Reduce accounting expenses and the time spent managing finances

Use your time more effectively

Spend more time focusing on growing your online sales


Always up-to-date accounting

With MyFlashnode, all your online store orders are seamlessly transferred to your accounting system. It’s Finland’s first self-installable automation solution between e-commerce and accounting.

Designed to simplify and modernize bookkeeping for e-commerce businesses, MyFlashnode eliminates manual reconciliations and frees up time for more critical tasks.

Myflashnode logo

"The integration eliminated one manual step completely and on the busiest days this means almost a whole working day saved by one person."

How to get started with MyFlashnode


Register for the MyFlashnode service.



Set your company’s preferences—setup takes 5–15 minutes.



Try MyFlashnode for free for 30 days. You can cancel anytime during the trial period at no cost.


59 €/month

MyFlashnode transfers sales orders paid online to the accounting system.

  • Free and easy to use
  • Checkmark Shopify - Netvisor subscription
  • Checkmark Order integration
  • Checkmark Supervised data transmission

Integration service

from 79€/month

Would you like to connect other software, or do you want to transfer other data in addition to your subscriptions?

Contact us for a quote.

  • Connect the most common business software in Finland
  • Checkmark Paytrail integration
  • Checkmark Order integration
  • Checkmark Integration of stock balances
  • Checkmark Product data integration
  • Checkmark Supervised data transmission
  • Checkmark Flashnode support
  • Checkmark Tailored features and integrations

Leave us a message

If you have any questions about MyFlashnode or if you are using another e-commerce platform, please contact us. We will be happy to provide you with more information, for example on how to provide the same service on another e-commerce platform. Also, if you want the integration to carry more information than just orders, we will tell you more about it.